Goal: To assess the needs for a new Appalachian forest protection project, and opportunities for joint grantmaking throughout the region.
TerrAqua reviewed the environmental and demographic characteristics of the northern Appalachian region, and governmental, NGO and other private sector activities. Drawing from existing studies, we characterized the ecological base, ecological health, sources and causes of environmental degradation, resource use, historical and present dependence on and relation to the Appalachian forest ecosystems, and organizations active in forest protection and management. We also characterized potential funding initiatives and partners.
We determined (1) what additional technical information would help parties collaborate better to protect the regional environment; (2) target audiences for education, including federal, state and local governments, corporate and individual landowners, nonprofits; (3) which organizations can increase their capability to promote natural resource conservation and sustainable development in Appalachia; and (4) ways to strengthen the regional economy while protecting the environment.
Client: The Heinz Endowments